Thursday, June 17, 2010

Still Asking, Dude,Where's My Country?

One of my readers, who is a brilliant philosopher on the current trend of American life, though he would never call himself that. Never ceases to bring up pertinant and viable points about our current society. He is a wonderfully prolific writer, who should, in all honesty, have a blog of his own. He is so good infact, that several times I have checked in on this blog just to read what I knew would be entertaining and wonderfully informative comments by him. (See Comments under my original Post, 'Dude, Where's My Country?')

Today's post is actually my written response to him, and it contains information that most Americans are not aware of, but we sorely need to be..
The entry follows...

Well said mwcspfg. THAT is the question that started this blog for me. That is the question I continue to ask. I love your passion and your eloquence on the subject. I knew in my heart that somewhere out there that there were other Americans like me, black, white, red, brown, and yellow, asking the same question. Where is the country that I knew, grew up in, and was proud of? Who has smudge the lines of clarity and reason, wisdom, and just plain common sense. When did this become a blind idiot's paradise? A gathering of lawmakers who totally ignore the voice and the will of the people, refuse to make reasonable laws that protect the people within their own borders, but pass laws to benefit their cronies and the pontificating elites of society, and continue to leave our borders so porous and undefended, that the Mexican Cartels--and now the terrorists--look ravenously at America's Borders like she's a freshly cooked side of beef, free for the taking. Our borders are a nuclear bomb that has already exploded. Drug traffickers AND Terrorists alike are pouring through them unhindered. Border Patrol Agents have been asked to stop an impossible human-flood tide with a laughable pittance of the equiptment that they really need. Mixed in with the immigrants who flood over our borders are large doses of drug trafficers heading to specific cities to ply their trade and establish new centers, jostling and rubbing shoulders with terrorists sent to establish new cells.
Perhaps Washington is hoping that if we all imagine that there is an 'Invisible Fence' at our Borders, it will keep the illegal immigrants, Drug Trafficers and Terrorists out...

An interesting thing to note that our intelligence agencies are aware of, but the American Public is not. Hugo Chavez (El Nutto from Venezuela) recently concluded an agreement with El Nutto Numero Uno--The President of Iran--to allow their intellegence agencies to work together. Chavez has agreed to extend visas and passports to Iranian Agents and train them to speak and act like Venezuelans, so that they can pass for citizens and thereby sneak into ANY country. Hmmm, wonder where they would try that first, eh?

 President Obama and Homeland Security are aware of this, and yet, the order holds; to put no serious effort into finishing the fence, to send only a 'token' amount of troops to re-enforce a brave but massively overwhelmed Border Patrol Agency, and to pontificate and adopt a holier than thou attitude with Arizona, as armies of invaders continue to swamp this grand olde ship of Liberty, hoping to capsize her under their ever-increasing weight and numbers...

A tunnel discovered running under the US/Mexican Border...
And above that, a warning to travelers near the border that they may run into trafficers and illegals.
What have we come to, that the best thing that we can offer American Citizens traveling in their own country is not protection, but a 'sign' warning them they could be harmed or killed...
Dude, Where's My Country... (You need to see this article for yourself, to believe it...)

{Sigh} I continue to ask--Dude, where's my Country...

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