Monday, May 17, 2010

Dude! Where's My Country??

Remember the movie a few years back with Ashton Cusher entitled, 'Dude, Where's My Car?' I'll go you one better...
'Dude, Where's My Country?'

What has happened to the charming days of yester year, where up was up, and down was where you left it? Now, all that is shot to Hades and back. Now...

Our Nation's Attorney General in December opted to read a 'Terrorist' (the Underwear Bomber) his 'Miranda Rights.' (He's not a citizen, he therefore had no Miranda Rights.)

Also in December, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano shouted "The System worked!" In speaking of the capture of the now infamous 'Underwear Bomber'. When this was revealed to not be the case (the guy tried to light his under wear and it didn't work, and the passengers jumped him and restrained him for Police). Once it was revealed that the guy's underwear wouldn't light and that's how he was captured, she uttered some benign political speak and returned to the comfort and ineptness of Washington DC.

Dude, where's my country?

My Attorney General is talking about suing Arizona over a law that he hasn't even read yet. How do you know a law is illegal if you haven't even bothered to read it?
Arizona has a gun up to it's head and the Cartels have cocked it and have their finger on the trigger.

Phoenix, Arizona, the Number TWO city with the highest kidnapping rate in the WORLD. Second only to, Oh, look-Mexico City! So, the same Drug Cartels that have suceeded in making Mexico City Number One, have also succeeded in making Phoenix, Number Two.

When are we going to get it. Arizona's law is not targeting Legal Immigrants. It is targeting Illegal ones. Why?

Ask the Arizona victims, like the Rancher who was killed by an illegal immigrant...
Oh, but that's right, I'm sorry. You can't, because he's dead.
Ask the victims of the DWI's committed by illegal immigrants, but oh, that's right...
They're dead too. Well, let's try the Police Officers and Border Agents who gave their lives in protecting the Border, the State and it's Citizens, when they came upon an illegal they thought was just coming here for a better job, but, hmmm.
Regretably, they're dead too...

Hmm, maybe, just maybe, Arizona decided to do something that the US Government has vascilated on for years like a kite in the wind. Maybe they decided it would be more prudent to stop investing in 'Body Bags' for it's Citizens while they waited for the Federal Government to do its job, and they decided instead to protect its Citizens themselves...

Dude, Where's my Country??


  1. It was recently reported that there were over 52,000 people who illegally crossed the border into America in 2009 who were not Mexicans, many of whom were from Middle Eastern countries who have launched attacks against the U.S.

    This morning on the news it was reported that a Somali terrorist is attempting to enter into the country across the Texas border.

    The argument that Americans' concerns are anything other than border security is now over.

    Someone has to be desperate to try to make "political points" and change the discussion to see the desire by Americans to have the same basic safety on their borders, as every other citizen of ANY country, as racist.

    This Administration has said that they would "not waste any crisis" to achieve their goals. Certainly we now see exactly what they meant when so many of their people have attacked the Arizona law without having read it. Instead of acknowledging the need for the law, they automatically go to "playing the race card" to stir up the emotions of their radical base even though a majority of Americans, obviously crossing party lines, support the law.

    Now suspicions rightly grow wondering if the Administration's ineffective, slow response to the oil pouring into the Gulf is "not letting that crisis go to waste". Certainly there was a lot more warning about this disaster hitting the coast than the previous President had when Katrina arrived. The response, however, has been no more effective and because of the amount of time that has passed with the requests of the government agencies being ignored, we are left to wonder if this crisis is not being used to bolster the "no drill" argument. It is reasonable to ask how a group of people who made such "political hay" about the previous Administration's slow response to Katrina could be so inept at taking charge of their opportunity to respond to a disaster.

    Hasn't this Administration's response to every "crisis", i.e. health care, wall street, etc. been to put the government in charge? Well, here is an undeniable crisis. How is the government doing?

    Isn't it interesting that at the same time that Greece is being told by the IMF that they need to release the government from being in charge of all aspects of their citizens lives if they want to have any chance of saving their economy from bankruptcy, we as a country are rushing to implement their kind of system?

    If the government can not act expediently to handle a crisis as straightforward as the Gulf oil crisis, how much more time can we expect them to take in making life and death decisions regarding our own health care?

    If Greece, and the other European countries who have government control of health care are all struggling to survive financially, please tell me why it is not arrogance to think that just because we are American that we will escape the same fate.

    At a time such as this, it is good if people of faith remember that God is still in control, and at the same time, also helpful to ask ourselves, are we acting in accordance with what we know to be right by sharing our faith, hope and strengths with others?

    Unfortunately, being quiet and ONLY "turning it all over to God" has given encouragement to those who would make our country unrecognizable. Please continue to pray but ALSO make your voice heard even if it is only in your immediate sphere of influence. Please plant a "mustard" seed to impact not only our own lives but the lives of the generations to come.

    Thank you for this blog and the opportunity to share my thoughts.

    On this Memorial Day weekend, it is only fitting that we pay tribute to those who gave their lives for the ideals that have made America an exceptional country. Most of our ancestors gave in so many ways to make sure that we had the opportunities that were available to us. I pray that we will never forget and that we no longer have to ask, "Dude, where is my country?"

  2. I have been told that there is an apparent contradiction in asking the government to take charge regarding the oil spill crisis and at the same time backoff regarding health care and running private industry. Sorry for not making that clearer. Let me explain.

    There are situations, like like the need for national defense (including protecting our borders - oops, sorry not really a priority right?)and responding to natural disasters, for example flooding (hey, how did FEMA do in Nashville? Kanye, do you think Obama hates Country Western singers?) that the government has a responsibility to take charge and protect its citizens.

    That doesn't give the government a right to "fundamentally change" change our country.

    Having a strong military is not the same as having a country taken over by the military in the same say that this Administration takes over auto makers, banks and health care companies (and soon energy and the air waves if it has it's way).

    That's about as clear as I can make it.

  3. Let me see if I have this right...

    In February, Congressman Sestak said that he had been approached by the White House to drop out of the Senate race and was offerred a position in the current administration to do so (which he turned down). Since that time reporters have been asking Robert Gibbs, the president's mouthpiece, to explain if Sestak was lying or did the White House break the law.

    Mr. Gibbs has continued to "stonewall" the issue until finally late on Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend, when most folks are not watching the news, word comes that Bill Clinton was used as a go between to offer a "voluntary" position and Obama did not know anything about it.

    Really??? Bill Clinton, the former President of these United States was sent on a mission from the White House by some underling without checking with the current president? And Bill Clinton offerred a "voluntary" job to someone who was leading in all the polls to drop out of the Senate race? Really???

    I'm sorry. Nevermind. I just got it.

    It's not that this administration is dropping the "don't ask, don't tell" policy all together. They are just removing it from the military and applying it to themselves! As in, don't ask us, because we sure as heck are not going to tell you (the truth).

    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there something said about including a promise for transparency and not doing business as usual in that "Hope and Change" thing?

    Since when did stonewalling = transparency?

    It sure looks like business as usual style of "Chicago politics" to me.

    I guess (Hope and) change doesn't go as far as it used to. As the man said, "Dude, where's my country?"

  4. Beer Summit II*? Uh, no.

    The prez is busy. Apparently, very, very busy.

    Oh sure, there is time for golf (more outings than our previous prez who got so much grief he eventually stopped playing) and meeting with sports teams at the White House (so of course, he didn't have time to go to the Gulf sooner), but when Govenor Brewer, of Arizona law fame, asked to come to the White House to find out why his administration has taken such a hostile stance towards her state...the prez declined saying he was too busy. Priorities, you know.

    In case you, like the current administration, are too busy to read the Arizona law, 18 pages including footnotes, the law that has been labelled as "racist" does not allow the police to stop anyone on suspicion alone of being here illegally. The police can ONLY ask for documentation when an individual is violating another law or engaging in suspicious behavior (not going out for ice cream with your family, as the prez suggested, unless of course your family is robbing that ice cream store, then all bets are off).

    And what restraits are in the Federal law? None.

    Let me repeat...there are absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS ON THE FEDS FOR ASKING SOMEONE FOR DOCUMENTATION! None. Zippo. Nada.

    If the Feds want to stop someone who is walking to the ice cream store with their family and ask them for their documentation, they can! So, where is the outrage against the federal law? There isn't any, probably because this administration won't enforce the law and instead supports sanctuary cities demonstrated by the parading of police chiefs from those cities who said they didn't want to have to do their jobs. Perhaps they too are busy playing golf.

    *In case you missed it, the "beer summit" was a meeting, over beer, between a friend of the prez's and police who had mistakenly arrested him. The prez said the police had "acted stupidly" while at the same time acknowleding he wasn't familiar with the facts. He had the meeting because he said he didn't want racism (Prof Gates, the prez's friend is Black) to raise its ugly head.

    Curious how he is now saying that Arizona has also acted stupidly (in a racist manner), he clearly is not familiar with the facts (key members of his Cabinet have not read the law), but this time the prez is choosing to play the race card and refuses to meet with Brewer!!!

    So one is left to ask, does the prez think that racism as it applies to individual Blacks (Professor Gates) needs to be squashed but false accusations of racism against 70% of the state of Arizona (Blacks, Whites and Hispanics included)needs to be stoked? Kind of reinforces that "not letting a crisis go to waste" and placing politics above all else, doesn't it? Once again we are left to ask two key questions:
    1) What ever happened to "hope and change"?
    2) Dude, where is my country?

  5. ***NEWS FLASH***

    Although we can not positively confirm a direct link between the recent comments on this blog and the prez's reversal on his decision to meet with Governor Brewer, it makes as much sense as the White House's explanation in the Sestak matter, right?

  6. Way to go My! If the Prez keeps reading your comments, there may be hope for this country yet!

    Fundamentally Transforming the Great American Pastime

    Responding to what he referred to as the "greatest historic crisis or our time",
    President Obama moved swiftly today to intervene in reversing a call made by
    umpire Jim Joyce which prevented pitcher Armando Galaraga of the Detroit Tigers
    from receiving credit for pitching a "perfect game". With two outs in the bottom of
    the nineth, Jim Joyce called a baserunner "safe" at first while replays show that
    he was clearly out robbing Galaraga of what would have been only the 21st perfect
    game in America's professional baseball history.

    President Obama, reversing baseball commissioner Bud Selig's ruling allowing the
    call to stand, said that he didn't become president to sit by and watch injustices
    prevail. He has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to keep a "boot to the throat"
    of any umpire that would deprive justice to any baseball player until changes can
    be made to improve the game.

    "Bud Selig acted stupidly", said the president who pointed out that the commissioner
    was a carryover from the Bush Administration. "I am announcing today a Baseball
    Czar to review all aspects of the game." "A man," he went on to say, "whose dream
    of being involved with American baseball was squashed many years ago that this
    Administration is going to set right - Fidel Castro!"

    Amongst the proposals for change are to remove all umpires and have them be
    replaced with "new technology" cameras. All plays would be reviewed by a panel
    of government experts to assure that "racial profiling" was not a part of any decision.
    Umpires would continue to receive their salaries if they reported to a "rubber room"
    where they would watch the game on television monitors.

    In a related story, President Obama announced today that as part of his "jobs
    creation program", all parking at baseball stadiums would now be valet parking
    provided by members of SEIU. All teams would be required to hire a minimum
    10,000 union members to park cars. The president was quick to add that this
    would not increase the cost for those who could not afford valet parking. "All
    those sitting in the bleachers will just need to show their tickets and their parking
    will be free. Anyone sitting in club or box seats would be assessed a $250 fee per
    game because, as Vice President Biden would say, they need to do their patriot duty
    and step up to the plate".

    "Of course, we will also need to add a 50% value added tax to all concession
    stand items to cover the costs of the new technology that Americans have been
    demanding we install to provide justice to all baseball players no matter their
    race, creed, sexual preference or national origin."

    Reached for comment, Commissioner Bud Selig responded, "What the ...!"
    "Dude, where's my baseball?"


    Every now and then, on Saturday night, I turn on a show that allows Americans to get involved in making this country a little better place to live - America's Most Wanted.

    If you haven't seen the show, it is hosted by John Walsh, who features either criminals on the run or unsolved crimes. In both cases, at the end of each presentation he will look into the camera and plead with his audience to please call the show if they know ANYTHING that might help to solve the crime. To date, 1118 criminals have been captured. By any measure that is a complete success. Wouldn't you agree?

    Americans helping Americans in a time of need is very much a part of our history dating back to the early settlers.

    The rebuilding of New Orleans after Katrina has relied on innumerable volunteer hours from folks from all around the country.

    Even in non-crisis times, projects as labor intensive as building a home or barn, will bring communities together to help their neighbors.

    That is why it is so confusing to me to hear story after story about folks, many of whom are experts in their fields, reporting receiving a "deaf ear" from the White House when they have offerred suggestions to solving the gulf oil spill. Even Governor Jindal has reported not getting return phone calls. (In a related story, today the president of BP said he has still yet to talk with President Obama!) How can this be?

    This crisis has gone on longer and will cause more damage than any other environmental mishap. No matter who you want to blame for the cause of the problem, the damage control has been clearly on the shoulders of the current president, by his own admission, since day one. Why isn't he listening?

    America's Most Wanted encourages calls and has a bank of phones set up to gratefully take information that can be of ANY assistance in solving the case. This Administration refuses to respond to Governors and the President of BP!

    Is it arrogance, incompetence or the more sinister theory that this will all be used (no crisis going to waste) to support the extremist environmentalists' desires to stop drilling. I have heard that chemicals that could have dispersed the spill were not used because some environmentalists objected. Certainly many of the suggestions that have been made are very environmentally friendly and yet NONE ARE BEING TRIED!

    Whatever the reason, action not posturing by setting up straw men (falsely stated problems that can easily be "knocked down" like saying you will keep your "boot on the throat" of someone who has taken more initiative than the accuser)is needed.

    How about we hire John Walsh and let him take calls? When it comes to answering our most pressing question, "Dude, where is my country?", he would be the one I would trust to find it!

  9. The Total Fraud of “Hate Speech”

    When the educational system was founded in this country, the primary text and lessons taught were from the Bible. Even today’s most esteemed Ivy League Colleges were founded for that purpose.

    Now, we have gone so far from education’s original principles that people are able to reach great heights with not much more than attitude and a “politically correct” perspective.

    In the past, John 8:31-32 was taught. Now we abbreviate scripture by eliminating 31 so as “not to offend” non-believers.

    31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    Now all “truth” purports to set people free. We are told to “coexist”. What have we lost?

    Today, an esteemed White House reporter quit her job after revealing her bigotry by saying that Jews were occupiers who needed to go back to their home countries…Poland, Germany and America.

    Really? Go back home? Is it possible that without education directly from the Bible that a purportedly educated reporter did not know the truth…that the Jews are home?

    The “truth” that Ms. Thomas was spouting was the same as the president of Iran, a noted anti-Semite and holocaust denier.

    If anyone was going to be prosecuted under the new “hate speech” laws, shouldn’t this be the test case?

    Well, no actually, because the law was not set up to prosecute anyone who spits out vile statements about people of faith. It only applies to comments that might be considered hurtful by people whose sexual preferences are in a “protected class”.

    Don’t believe me? Write the representatives who passed the legislation and ask them why Helen Thomas is not being prosecuted for “hate speech” and you will get your answer.

    If you are thinking that Helen Thomas has “freedom of speech” rights like any other American citizen and that is what makes our country great…blah, blah, blah, please explain to me why people of faith are not granted that same right when they quote the Bible.

    “Hate speech” is politically controlled speech and in no small part it is designed to stop people of faith from sharing the word of God.

    Yes, Helen Thomas is free to say anything she wants, no matter how ignorant or hurtful. The Founding Fathers granted that right to ALL of us. That is my country.

    Dude, where oh where is my country?

    p.s. My comments are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the blog.

  10. “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!”

    Truth be told, I have never been tased nor do I ever want to be. When Andrew Meyer shouted out those now famous words on September 17, 2007 at the University of Florida after a John Kerry speech, he was pleading for the police to not inflict any more pain on him.

    Apparently, the speech had already done enough damage.

    After watching our prez address the nation last night, I have to say, “Andrew, I feel your pain!” The complete dedication to an EXTREME RADICAL agenda at the cost of the entire Gulf region by this president is absolutely stunning!

    Play along with me for a moment, will you? Say you are the prez and you are informed about the oil rig explosion, do you…

    1)Continue with your plans for vacation

    2)Continue with your plans to play golf

    3)Continue with your plans for a White House concert

    4)Continue with your plans to greet sports teams at the White House

    5)All of the above, while blaming the previous administration for the problem and letting the American people know that you will keep a "boot to the throat of BP" until this problem is resolved (then go back to your fun)

    6)Cancel everything! Bring together the best and brightest minds in the field, including the presidents of all the oil companies (not to slam them with a congressional hearing but to pick their brains for a solution), lift the Jones Act that prevents foreign countries from sending their experienced clean up crews to skim/burn off the oil BEFORE IT EVER REACHES THE COAST (even though it may upset your union buddies). Meet with the president of BP (not for 20 minutes for the first time after 60 days of slamming him and his company) and have the Coast Guard work side by side with him to “plug the d*mn hole”. Listen to the Governors of all the states involved and grant them permission to do everything they can to protect their coasts just in case the foreign ships have not removed all the oil.

    7)Claim that what you did was just as effective as #6 and push your Cap and Trade Bill (which already had died on its lack of merit) because as Rahm said, “Don’t waste a crisis!” Suspend oil drilling for six months such that the industry effectively dies placing tens of thousands of people out of work at a time when the only dent you have made into the 10% unemployment was to hire tens of thousands of temporary census workers (hiring and firing and re-hiring them to inflate your numbers)as your buddy George Soros will now get the deep water drills for use in Brazil that he so desperately needs to make billions more dollars(forgetting, of course, to ask him "how much is enough?")and won’t be back for years. Plus, of course, 1-5 because you "can multi-task unlike the previous administration".

    No, I have not been physically tased, but I am just as stunned at the complete surrender to political ideology by this administration to let things get so out of control that it damages my country for generations to come.

    That is the only conclusion that I can come to because the only other choice is criminal ineptness way beyond anything we saw with Katrina (as over 70% of people who live in the region said in a recent poll).

    “Dude, I want my country back (including all the wetlands - but unfortunately I won't live that long and I am afraid, neither will my children)!”

  11. No Receipt Needed to Return the Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase is a 29,000+ square-mile region of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that was purchased by the United States from Mexico in a treaty signed by President Franklin Pierce on June 24, 1853.

    As you can see, we have gone waaay beyond the usual timeline for returns of most purchases, so one is left with to ask, “How was the prez able to get Mexico to take it back?”

    I am guessing that there is a copy of the Gadsden Purchase contract at either the Smithsonian, Archives or even the Library of Congress but even still…

    The prez is a rather persuasive fellow, a real good talker, so maybe that is how he convinced Mexico that we don’t need that part of the country and drug kingpins and human traffickers could just take over the region without any resistance from our military.

    Of course, he has had to overcome the objections of the folks who live in the area, but they are probably just Republican plants like the Democratic Senatorial Candidate from South Carolina, right? By the way, how did an African American get to be a Republican anyway? I remember during the presidential campaign it was made fairly clear that during a historic moment such as the one we were facing, any Black that wasn’t a Democrat was a traitor. I guess the historic moment must be over.

    Heck, if they are not plants, they are almost certainly racists. I heard the prez, the secretary of homeland security and even the attorney general make that clear. Just a bunch of White, Black, Asian and even Mexican American racists!

    Here’s what we know for a fact as reported by Fox News (you didn't really think that MSNBC/CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC would carry this story, did you?):

    About 3,500 acres of southern Arizona have been closed off to U.S. citizens due to increased violence at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said that violence against law enforcement officers and U.S. citizens has increased in the past four months, forcing officers on an 80 mile stretch of Arizona land north of the Mexico border off-limits to Americans.

    “It’s literally out of control,” said Babeu. “We stood with Senator McCain and literally demanded support for 3,000 soldiers to be deployed to Arizona to get this under control and finally secure our border with Mexico.“

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials have warned visitors in Arizona to beware of heavily armed drug smugglers and human traffickers.

    “We need support from the federal government. It’s their job to secure the border and they haven’t done it,” said Babeu. “In fact, President Obama suspended the construction of the fence and it’s just simply outrageous.”

    Signs have been posted warning Americans not to cross into the closed off territory south of Interstate 8. Babeu said the signs are not enough – he said Arizona needs more resources to help scale back the violence caused by the drug cartels.

    “We need action. It’s shameful that we, as the most powerful nation on Earth, can’t even secure our own border and protect our own families.”

    So there you have it. We answered our most pressing question – “Dude, where is my country?”

    It’s gone back to Mexico!

    Now, I wonder if the prez can get Best Buy to take back that cell phone I bought last year.

  12. Missing? What's Missing?

    Sure, the prez didn't talk about the Albert Haynesworth/Redskins situation,
    and yes, that is the talk of a good part of Washington but, what I was thinking
    about has more to do with the country as a whole.

    Perhaps an announcement that Spain, who the prez has said he would like to model
    his "Greening of America" after, has decided to drastically cut back on government
    subsidies because it is bankrupting their country, kind of like the European's healthcare plans that the prez has modeled his plan after that are bankrupting Europe. No, but you are getting warmer (but not globally warmer).

    And, he did not need to spend any time at all to dispel the rumor that new legislation in Arizona includes the renaming of The Grand Canyon to The Obama Canyon to capture the gap between the prez's rhetoric on the campaign
    trail and his actions as President...absolutely no truth to that rumor...yet.

    What's missing is the same thing that is missing from most of the prez's actions including the take over of businesses and the mandate to America's citizens to have to purchase a product, health insurance. THE CONSTITUTION!


    What I am concerned about is how the prez seems to SHRED THE CONSTITUTION every
    step of the way in "fundamentally transforming" America.

    The government taking over funds from a company to reimburse those harmed by the oil
    spill is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND IN THE CONSTITUTION! So why did the prez do it?

    Has BP balked at providing funds? No!

    So, why is the prez demanding that the government be the ones to distribute the cash? I mean, there has to be a REASON TO VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION, right?

    Well, let's look at how the stimulus funds were distributed. You know that there are hundreds of millions of dollars that have yet to be distributed which some suspect will appear at the time of the election in November.

    The majority of the distributed money has gone to unions. The prez's allies.

    Any doubt in anyone's mind that the BILLIONS of BP dollars will follow the same path? Yeah, me neither.

    OK,the Constitution is the thing that is missing but in this day of modern grading, I suppose I need to give you partial credit if you said:

    1) how "kicking a*s" or putting a "boot to the throat" of BP would stop the leak and clean up the Gulf
    2) the logic about how Cap and Trade legislation would stop the current leak or clean up the Gulf
    3) about how the self imposed 6 month moratorium on drilling will not end up costing the taxpayers for unemployment benefits for the tens of thousands of oil workers when the prez has said that there would be no costs to Americans (of course, completely disregarding the American elderly on fixed incomes whose pension plans count on dividend distributions from BP that the prez has demanded they not pay)
    4) how bankrupting BP with unreasonable demands thereby insuring there will not be funds for those harmed is helpful
    5) why government regulations force oil companies to go to dangerous lengths to procure oil when much easier reserves are denied
    6) any proof at all that our reserves have dried up in easier to access areas
    7) a heart for the suffering of the people of the Gulf in particular and America as a whole for losing a national treasure, our wetlands, our wildlife, our way of life for millions of Americans and not turning this into a political platform for his "transforming" agenda
    8) an apology for not being more effective in preventing such significant damage and applying urgency from the start
    9) an apology to the families who suffered great losses on 9/11 by making such a clumsy comparison
    10) (fill in the blank.)

    So what was missing? Way too much. Perhaps the most valuable is an America where this kind of damage did not need to happen and the coming "politicalization of a crisis" was not so easily accepted.

    "Dude, where is my country?"

  13. Well said mwcspfg. THAT is the question that started this blog for me. That is the question I continue to ask. I love your passion and your elequence on the subject. I knew in my heart that somewhere out there that there were other Americans like me, black, white, red, brown, and yellow, asking the same question. Where is the country that I knew, grew up in, and was proud of? Who has smudge the lines of clarity and reason, wisdom, and just plain common sense. When did this become a blind idiot's paradise. A gathering of lawmakers who totally ignore the voice of the people, refuse to make reasonable laws that protect the people, but pass laws to benefit their cronies and the pontificating elites of society, and continue to leave our borders so porous and undefended, that the Mexican Cartels--and now the terrorists--look ravenously at America's Borders like she's a freshly cooked side of beef, free for the taking. Our borders are a nuclear bomb that has already exploded. Drug traffickers AND Terrorist are pouring through them unhindered. Border Patrol Agents have been asked to stop an impossible flood tide with a laughable pittance of the equiptment that they really need. An interesting thing to note that our intelligence agencies are aware of, but the American Public is not. Hugo Chavez (El Nutto from Venezuela) recently concluded an agreement with El Nutto Numero Uno--The President of Iran--to allow their intellegence agencies to work together. Chavez will extend visas and passports to Iranian Agents and train them to speak and act like Venezuelans, so that they can pass for citizens and thereby sneak into ANY country. Hmmm, wonder where they would try that first, eh?
    {Sigh} I continue to ask--Dude, where's my Country...

  14. If The Public Was a Dwarf, We Would Be “Sleepy”

    The American Spirit is not enough.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am a sap for Old Glory, Yankee Doodle Dandy (especially the Jimmy Cagney movie version), all our national holidays, parades, etc. but there is a war going on and I don’t mean just the war against terror or whatever the current administration is or isn’t calling it today. I am talking about a civil war of citizen against citizen in defining what America is all about and what she will be.

    Incredibly, there are many who would intrude into this conversation, who are living here not as citizens but as uninvited guests! Can you imagine having a dinner party at your home and uninvited guests crash it and then yell at you that you were not serving their kind of food?

    The conversation is no longer civil and facts are no longer relevant for the weak minded who just want to pick a side and viciously attack the opposition on a personal basis. They call laws they haven’t even read “racist” or “homophobic” and impute evil intent to people they haven’t met because it doesn’t fit with their lifestyle and the “rights” they want to claim for themselves.

    The reason I was attracted to your blog is that the days of the lazy, "couch potato" American citizen are long since past. There is no more comfort in watching the movie "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" and hoping against hope that there are still people like that who represent us…there aren’t.

    The American people are being played by private industry and the government including our “representatives” and the current administration. Our country is in the middle of a robbery by narcissistic individuals that have either forgotten, never knew or never cared about the exceptionalism of the American experiment. That’s right, the experiment. Nothing is guaranteed.

    Wake up my fellow Americans! It is all slipping away unless we act. Get off the couch. Hold your representatives accountable. Write, call, "represent". If there is a meeting/rally in your area that speaks to the issues we are talking about, please attend and voice your opinion.

    To answer your question as to where the country is, it’s still here…we’ve just been distracted while others are “transforming” her into something unrecognizable and undesireable.

    It’s up to us to maintain the Constitution and the country our Founding Fathers sacrificed all they had to give to us, and Divine Providence who blessed us when we acknowledged the invisible helping hands that forged "the shining city on the hill".

    "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." Luke 12:48

    We have been entrusted with much. Now is not the time to go to sleep.

    God Bless America...please.

  15. Everyone To His Own Way

    Thank you Tenacity for your invaluable blog and keen insights not to mention the ominous news about the unholy alliance of two dictators dedicated to the destruction of America as we know her.

    You are right in saying this is not a skin color issue although there are those who have built their "empires" trying to get us to believe it is. Their fortunes depend on promoting hatred to keep us apart and yet their rants are not labelled "hate speech". Strange, huh?

    The Wizard of Oz said directly what those folks are saying by their actions, "disregard the man behind the curtain". Put your attention on who we say to blame for the issues we want you to focus on and don't regard how we are changing the country.

    We see this currently with all the focus on the evil BP (and they are bad enough) and how it has taken us completely away from the conversation of how the White House illegally tried to determine the outcome of two Senate races with improper offers to Sestak and Romanoff.

    It has taken our focus off of the homeland security report that tens of thousands of non-Mexicans are crossing our borders (as you pointed out Tenacity with the most recent development).

    We are not talking about Europe and their crashing economies caused by government run programs such as healthcare and energy (similar to the Cap & Trade proposal).

    My favorite line from a movie came from "The Usual Suspects". It says,

    "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

    Distraction is the key.

    If we just stay focused in our own little worlds, we will have done to ourselves what military tacticians would do in every battle if they could...divide and conquer.

    We are not alone. We are in this "war" for the very essence of our country.

    Let's not go off, everyone to his own way.

  16. Resolution, mr. prez, or Revolution?

    Was that disrespectful or is it more disrespectful to repeatedly misrepresent the truth to the American people from the highest, most honored political post in our country?

    Seriously, mr. prez, do you really want to dishonor the Oval Office by using it to tell us that we do not have enough oil reserves? Are you so uniformed that you don’t know that experts say we have enough untapped oil reserves to last up to 300 years! That’s more than the OPEC countries that have nowhere near the environmental restraint that our people are handcuffed with and therefore are doing much more damage to the planet if any of your concerns about drilling are accurate. Plus, it has been clearly established that OUR money that we pay them for oil, which will only increase due to your drilling moratorium, is used to fund killing our troops!

    Have you been blinded by your own ideology or are you trying to blind us?

    Ok folks, what do YOU want to do now?

    Our prez is either a liar with an established agenda to totally “transform” our country into something completely unrecognizable through a series of “crisis” he won’t “waste” either real or imagined or too incompetent to be the leader of the free world.

    Night after night, day after day, week in and week out, all we heard from the media when no “weapons of mass destruction” were located inside Iraq (even though the world’s best intelligence said they were there) was that “Bush Lied”, right?

    Does anyone in their right mind think that we will hear anything like that kind of vitriol, if it is mentioned at all, regarding this prez’s actual lies?

    Where is the outrage? Where are the “Obama Lied!” protesters?

    Clearly, this is not the first time we have gotten, how can we say this kindly, “incorrect information” that costs us and our children billions if not trillions of taxpayer dollars and actually “transforms” America from the country where we grew up to an unrecognizable, central planning government more in line with the failed 5 Year Plans of the old Soviet Union.

    Mr. prez, we know you like the Beatles but when they sang,

    “you say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world…”

    they also warned that “when you talk about destruction, you can count me out”

    and particularly relevant here, “you say you’ll change the constitution…you better free your mind instead”.

    (There is also a verse that says, “But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow” which is interestingly relevant because this prez had a Christmas ornament on his White House tree that had a picture of Chairman Mao!)

    Violating the public trust leads to dishonor brought about by your own actions.

    Give us back our country and please mr. prez, plug the (pie)hole!

  17. Dear Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis

    I want to personally thank you for your PSA, Public Service Announcement, complete with toll free phone number to call when a person feels exploited saying you will investigate to make sure that we get paid what we deserve. As you said, we work hard so we should get a fair wage. I agree.

    I know that you have received a lot of grief for using millions of taxpayer dollars for the ad/phone at a time when real un/under employment figures are around 17%. Many racists are complaining that the ad says that “every worker should be paid every penny they deserve, DOCUMENTED OR NOT”.

    A poster at a demonstration that I watched on television said, “No Human Being Is Illegal”. I appreciate that you are using the term “undocumented worker” instead of “illegal alien” which carries with it a horrible stigma. It is one of the main reasons that I am writing to you. I am glad that you are spending taxpayer dollars to help “undocumented workers” demand higher wages. I know you will be sensitive to my needs.

    Although I am an American citizen, and not an illegal alien, that is an “undocumented worker”, I too am not being paid “every penny that I deserve” due to a great extent because of the economy which I know this administration is working hard to clean up after the mess that George Bush left behind.

    Unfortunately, to do my job effectively, I need to spend much of my time planning, driving to and from the work site and also traveling from state to state which when you add them all together plus the actual job itself, leaves me with less than minimum wage on an hourly basis.

    Mine is a dangerous job and many don’t have the guts to do what I do. I am not bragging, it is just a fact.

    To be fair, as I said "due to the economy", many of my “clients” simply do not have the money that they used to have so that I can be fairly compensated for my hard work. I am hoping that you will be able to provide me with a government subsidy to cover my expenses as you clearly have a “heart for people” no matter what others call them.

    Along those lines, would you please change the title of my profession on your list of careers to ASSET ALLEVIATION SPECIALIST from the stigmatized “bank robber”?


  18. The “Mechanics” of Truth vs Judgment

    I have a great mechanic. He can strip my engine apart blindfolded and put it back together again so that it purrs like a kitten. There is no better as far as I am concerned.

    He is a “shade tree” mechanic meaning he works out of his own garage at home. He simply does not have the personality to work at, let alone run, a service department at a car dealership although he is much more talented than the entire group of mechanics there.

    Whereas he knows the “truth” about what makes a car work and how to solve problems even when things have gone completely wrong, he does not have the “judgment” to handle the politics of a shop mechanic’s job.

    I was thinking about that today as General McChrystal goes to meet with the prez after some intemperate comments he made to Rolling Stone Magazine.

    According to most sources, the General is the best man for a very difficult job of knowing the “truth” about how to handle the war in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the position that he was in did not match his personality or “judgment” regarding dealing with the press which I suppose will lead to him offering his resignation today.

    It is an unfortunate situation and one that happens far too often…someone is good at one thing but is put in a job that does another thing and fails miserably.

    For example, you can have a politician who wins his local seat by getting the other candidate disqualified because of irregular signatures on that candidate’s nomination qualifying petition and then wins his next election when the opponent quits after a sex scandal. He gives a few inspiring speeches and before you know it, he is the President of the United States. He knows the “truth” about telling people what they want to hear, “Hope and Change”, and getting elected, but doesn’t have the “judgment” to do the job without violating the Constitution with his government power grabbing every step of the way.

    One violated military protocol and his boss’s trust showing immaturity and then humbly admitting his error subjugating himself to the will of his boss (although most do not question the "truth" of his statements). The other unapologetically repeatedly violates the Constitution of the United States with no indication of listening to his "boss", the will of the people (while "untruthfully" misrepresenting the facts). Which is worse? You decide.

    Come to think about it, this isn’t the first time that the prez has harshly criticized another for something that he has done far worse, kind of like taking vacation during the gulf oil crisis, right Mr. Heyward? It certainly doesn’t make the other person right by any means; however, the hypocrisy is a bit much for those of us who think beyond the surface level presented by most media outlets.

    So now because we know the “truth” as to who this prez is and not the false self he presented on the campaign trail, although there were plenty of warning signs that most folks ignored especially regarding his lack of executive experience, will we use our “judgment” to take away his support in congress in the Fall elections this year and then relieve him of the position that he is grossly under qualified for in 2012 (Unfortunately, he is not likely to hand in his resignation.)?

    The “truth” is that we get the America that we deserve. Only time will tell if we have the “judgment” to restore the country to what our Founding Fathers intended. God Bless America. Will you?

  19. “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere” – Linus

    Aren’t those Peanuts characters cute? Too bad there are many folks who act as if what Linus said is true. Unfortunately, they will miss the opportunity for salvation because of it. That’s tragic. As a Christian, I am instructed to inform folks how they can have eternal life so that they can make a choice.

    As a citizen I find that there are many folks who apply the same “Linus philosophy” to our political leaders and especially the prez. They seem to think that “the ends justify the means” such that when he unconstitutionally takes money from a private corporation without “due process” it is ok because he sincerely believes that he is “helping people” and that a “crisis” gives him permission to disregard the Constitution. It is the same kind of logic that he used when he rammed healthcare legislation through congress, forcing citizens to “unconstitutionally” purchase a product.

    Well, I am not bp and I already have health insurance so on the surface it appears as though none of this really applies to me and probably you, right? And then I thought about what Pastor Martin Niemoller (1892-1984) said regarding the German intellectuals during the nazi rise to power and their attack on groups - one at a time. If you are not familiar with the quote, it goes something like this:

    “They came first for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist”

    “Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist”

    “Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew”

    “Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak out for me”

    Jon Stewart has gotten quite upset with folks using the above quote for anything less than rounding up and killing people but, I believe that he misses the point.

    When the actions of the prez are to effectively shred the Constitution it is important to point out to the folks that sitting on the sidelines is not an option without consequence. When things don’t appear to apply to us as individuals and we do not act, the violation of the Constitution still sets the groundwork for coming around to taking away a freedom that does affect us directly.

    As our democratic republic is being dismantled piece by piece, many folks are willing to give the prez a “pass” because of his sincerity.

    In fact, many are being used as what lenin referred to as “useful idiots” – people who were not informed regarding the issues and were therefore easily manipulated by the rhetoric of the leader. Does “hope and change” ring a bell?

    The “useful idiots” were the unthinking supporters that helped both lenin, in the soviet union, and hitler in Germany rise to power. (Certainly it is just a coincidence that politicians are increasingly supporting the use of "medical marijuana", right?)

    Without an informed electorate our country will not survive. We are a “government of laws and not of men”. Without adherence to the Constitution, freedom will no longer exist. There will always be a “crisis” and a ready czar to step in and “solve” the problem.

    The choice is ours. Will we take back our country by applying the Constitution or will we be caught up in "crisis" moments, moving speeches, appointing czars and "fundamentally transforming" her into something that even dictators like chavez could appreciate?

    You think that's going too far? Well, remember he took over the control of private industry in his country in the same way that healthcare, finance legislation and cap & trade legislation does here.

    It is not too late to restore our country.
    I believe that...sincerely!

  20. So, as far as I'm concerned, you either need to run for the House, or Senate, one of the two. And then, for the Presidency in 2012. Which is it?
    But honestly, you very accurately voice the concerns, and opinions of many, many, Americans. We have watched for years as a very vocal and deceptive minority, of tiny liberal termites, naw away at our Consitution, and most of us never said anything because we were so busy working and felt that 'someone else would do it'. Now, we are all waking up to that fact, that there IS no one else to do it, so we have to do it ourselves, while we still have a country. (Say, pass me that can of 'Raid Termite Repelant', would you?)
